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What are nutrient-rich food sources that help lose weight?

By Dr. Nguyen Anh Duy Tung, Nutrihome Nutrition Clinic System

October 28, 2023 | 07:10 am GMT+7

What should I eat if I want to lose weight while not wanting to cut down beneficial nutrient groups from my diet at the same time? (Ha Phuong, Hanoi)


The basic principle behind losing weight is leading a healthy lifestyle, cutting down on calories intake, and exercising frequently. However, it is still necessary to provide the body with all the mandatory nutrient groups in order to avoid harming health.

Below are food sources that those who want to lose weight should include in their diet plans, as they are rich in nutrients and help improve the overall health.

Vegetables This food source is rich in water and fiber, which make you feel less hungry and take in enough vitamins.

Vegetables belonging to the spinach family including cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage are some of the kinds that provide the most fiber and the least calories, making them the perfect diet choice for those that want to lose weight.

Vegetables are rich in water and fiber, which make eaters feel less hungry and take in enough vitamins. Photo illustration by Freepik

Whole grain cereal

This provides a high amount of fiber and a low amount of fat. Oats, brown rice, and quinoa are among the healthiest cereal.


Certain types of beans such as black turtle beans and green beans are rich in protein, fiber, and resistant starch which contribute significantly in controlling weight. They also have a fair amount of resistant starch which also helps in weight loss.


This is another food source with a high amount of resistant carbohydrates. A great amount of vitamin C can also be found in peeled boiled potatoes.


Rich in healthy fats, water, potassium, and fiber, avocados help enhance the process of absorbing fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K.

However, avocados provide a high amount of calories, so you should calculate your intake of the food to avoid weight gains.


This is another food source rich in unsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, and other nutrients that are good for the cardiovascular system. It improves the speed of the metabolism process, as well as helps you stay in shape.

However, similar to avocados, certain nut types contain high amounts of calories and fats, so they should not be consumed too much.

Nuts are rich in unsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, and other nutrients that are good for the cardiovascular system. Photo illustration by Freepik


Consuming fish provides the body with high amounts of protein and healthy fat, which help control appetite and maintain a healthy weight.

Fish is also rich in other nutrients that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system, brain, thyroid functions, and the metabolism process.

Lean meat

Chicken filet and other types of lean meat consist of more protein, iron, and less saturated fats than other types of meats, so they can help control weight and enhance the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Eggsare rich in protein and healthy fat. Protein in egg white is not only fat-free, it is also easy to be absorbed. Eating eggs and fiber-rich dishes for breakfast not only provides enough nutrients for the whole day, but also makes you feel full longer than the others.

Greek yogurt

Thanks to its richness in protein and good bacteria, Greek yogurt, especially those without sugar and fat added. helps control weight effectively.


Another protein-rich food source, cheese helps form and maintain muscles, as well as enhance bone structure.

Source: VnExpress

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actually work !!!


Phương Anh
Phương Anh
Oct 31, 2023

I wanna lose weight so bad

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